Ask Me Anything: Alcoholism- How to Heal (Part 2)
Last week I answered a question from a reader about about alcoholism and genetics. The blog today expands upon that subject, while also discussing the
Last week I answered a question from a reader about about alcoholism and genetics. The blog today expands upon that subject, while also discussing the
Q: Can you help someone with alcoholism?
A: Yes, we can help you.
Quitting alcohol can be very complicated. The major factor is whether the
In my 40 years of practicing energy healing, a large number of my clients have experienced beautiful moments of transcendence, expansion and connectedness. Sometimes these
We attempt to achieve forgiveness through the wearing of many masks and hats. We wear the mask of a victim, a prosecutor, a witness, and
In my energy healing practice, many people come to me for help with breaking various addictions, be it food, alcohol, drugs, etc. Sometimes they’re
We pay little attention to the overall effects of the sounds of our environment, but they affect us deeply.
So many people go home after
At Apex Energy Masters, the number of people seeking help in relationship to their emotional states has steadily increased. One of the most common complaints